Custom Blends Cigarette Tobacco

Notice: Since opening our doors over 30 years ago, our goal has been to provide our customers with the highest quality products at the lowest prices. Unfortunately, due to the rising costs of goods, we have no choice but to raise the price of Custom Blends tobacco to $38.50 effective September, 2023.

This isn’t a choice we take lightly, but one necessary for us to keep providing you the best quality tobacco on the market. Times are tough for everyone and we appreciate each and every customer for their understanding.

Custom Blends Tobacco has a variety of tobacco flavors and blends to satisfy the cravings of all smokers.

Our Premium Cigarette Tobacco uses the top and middle leaf of the tobacco plant to reduce stems and receive a better, higher quality smoke.

While we can’t say chemical free (nicotine is a chemical), we can say we take pride in also reducing the amount of chemicals and sprays on our tobacco. No pesticides, no herbicides, just good Farm Fresh Tobacco!

Another overlooked benefit of Custom Blends Tobacco is the packaging! We actually care about the tobacco you smoke. Of course it zips, it also has no windows and a foiled interior to keep the tobacco safe from drying up too fast.


Custom Blends Cigarette Tobacco shipping is currently available in PA only. We are looking into obtaining credentials to add availability to more states. If you would like to request we sell in your state, please fill out this quick form (click here).

Wholesale buyers can purchase Custom Blends nationwide. If you would like to purchase Custom Blends Tobacco as a wholesaler fill out our registration form.

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