Try our signature Custom Blends Farm Fresh Roll-Your-Own Cigarette Tobacco
Our accomplished and continued mission is to provide cigarette smokers with a better alternative. True Premium Roll-Your-Own Cigarette Tobacco, grandfathered by the FDA and here to stay.
The Cut
Our farm fresh tobacco is cut from the mid and top of the leaf of the plants to avoid excess sticks and stems. It is processed only as much as necessary to grow and cure the leaves.
The Blend
Custom Blends represents the mixtures of tobaccos used within each blend. Blend 11 features: A definitive American flavored blend, made with premium Virginias, rich Burleys and a splash of Oriental Tobaccos.
The Bag
Our blends are then packaged in our new windowless, foiled, zip-sealed bags to preserve the farm fresh feeling as long as you need it. Just store the sealed bags in room temperature and it should stay fresh for months!
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